Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Umm excuse me, how do I get it all to fit??

While studying abroad, you only get to bring so much with you, so how do you know what and how much to pack??

Now if you don't plan on wearing it more than three times, you probably shouldn't pack it. It's a good idea that everything you bring should complement almost every other item in your suitcase. Durable, light-weight clothes aren't a bad idea either and can be found at TravelSmith, REI, and ExOfficio. Remember, black is easy to pair anything with, but you also don't want to be in black your whole trip :)

You know to bring a variety of tops and bottoms to anticipate different weather conditions, and a scarf can complete any outfit. Make sure to be careful with jewelry, as people in other countries can take a lot more value to it and personal theft on a study abroad trip is something you more than likely want to avoid. Overall, if its of high value to you, try to leave it at home so as to not have to worry about losing it or worse like I mentioned earlier, it being stolen.

Shoes are veeeeery important! If you don't have proper shoes, you are going to be in a LOT of pain! Perhaps you read our earlier blog about Scholl's inserts?? If not be sure to look at that. You want to look nice obviously, but when it comes to days when you're on foot all day exploring, trust me, you're going to appreciate those proper shoes.

If you haven't invested in it now, also think about a hidden money belt, because you just never know where those pick-pocketers are and so far away from home, with any forms of ID or money you have, taken, makes for a terrible rest of your trip!

And remember, It doesn't hurt to wear many layers traveling to your initial destination to save space in your suitcase!

Want to know more about traveling abroad? Or Europe, check out the Center for Global Initiatives page here

And be sure to like us on Facebook!

~ Jami ~

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